Our History

We celebrate a history championed by concerned citizens of Payne County who want to serve vulnerable children in our community.

Explore the milestones of The Saville Center


Child Watch Tour

February 1998

Payne County BAR Association made funds available for an April 1998 "Child Watch Tour". The tour allowed many concerned citizens in Payne County to experience a reenactment of an abused child's journey through "the system". Immediately following this tour, a task force formed and appointed an 18 member Board of Directors.

Nonprofit Formed

July 23, 1998

The Child Advocacy Center of Payne County, Inc. became an incorporated 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Philanthorpic Impact

September 1999

An Executive Director was hired and the agency began serving the community in their temporary housing.

The Center began doing business as The Saville Center after Dorothy Saville, a long-time Stillwater resident, gave a substantial donation.

In 2002, largely due to funds donated by Dorothy Saville, our permanent home was purchased and renovations began.

A New Home

July 21,2003

The Saville Center made a smooth transition into their new home without interruption to their services.

Counseling Cottage


Opened up the Counseling Cottage to offer on-site mental health services.

A Future Vision

January 2019

Began Capital Campaign for Medical Cottage. Explore the campaign's vision and how you can get involved here.